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Writer's pictureAndrew Chun

Week 25 - Jeremiah 10-36

This week we are knee deep in the book of Jeremiah. Firstly, I'd like to commend the overview video of the book by the Bible Project. Like their other videos, they do such a great job with these overviews!

For this blog entry, I simply present a few reflections!

While the prophets often speak in figurative ways and use language that is powerful and shocking, I am struck by how their message is remarkably consistent. There are only a handful of actual issues that God takes with his people, and they are repeatedly named by his prophets, including Jeremiah.

The first actual issue? It is the worship of false gods. God's people were created to be simply that, GOD's people. Not people belonging to another. Throughout Israel's history God proved over and over again that he is the one who is trustworthy, powerful, good, and wise. He promised to them, be my people by following my direction, and I will be your God. We have to see that it was God who was taking on the most work in that arrangement! But time and time again, the Israelites sought the arms of other gods, even engaging in worship practices that were dehumanizing and barbaric at times. They have departed from the fountain of life, to seek out broken cisterns that can hold no water, as Jeremiah says.

The second actual issue is the mistreatment of one another. In their pursuit of other gods, and the example of other nations, the Israelites became like them, in all the wrong ways. They became preoccupied with the pursuit of riches and power. They took advantage of the week, and distorted justice to serve some and not others. They learned to disregard the poor and the marginalized.

They were not loving God rightly, and they were not loving one another rightly. It sounds a lot like the words of our Lord Jesus when he was asked about the greatest commandment, doesn't it?

Another striking similarity that I see is the call to return to God. The prophets use some of the harshest language in the Bible. Jeremiah likens Israel's unfaithfulness to prostitution! But a commonality among the prophets is the call to return to the Lord. Whatever it is that you have become, return! May we gain a similar takeaway as we read! That we find ways to return to the Lord!


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